Monday, August 26, 2019

Adaptive Bitmap Pruning - Part I

When a transactional application updates data we store it in a structure that is close to what we insert: one table per entity and relational integrity among them. And we query usually in the same way, joining few rows from several tables.
But when a database is dedicated to query, and query in BI often involve lots of rows, we prefer to store them close to the way we want to retrieve. Put all the measures that are related to same information (same granularity) into a FACT table. And around that table with lots of rows we put into smaller table with all the information need for analysis – known as DIMENSIONS
This is the STAR schema that we prefer to call a “dimensional” model.
A query on star schema involves:
·         Several predicates on dimension attributes – columns on dimension tables (tables are either small or medium)
·         One or several measures to be retrieved – they are columns in fact table, that has many rows and we usually need to read many rows and aggregate them.
·         Additional information from dimension tables for display purpose.
So basically, we built a schema with
·         One FACT table that has minimum of columns (only the dimension key and measures)
·         Several dimension table that has the keys, columns where we will have predicates on, and all other information – they can be large, because they don’t have huge number of rows and can be de-normalized, because they are static.
·         The dimension keys on the FACT tables are declared as foreign key to dimension tables.
·         Each dimension key on the FACT table has bitmap index on it – so that all the predicate results can be merged quickly, before going to the large FACT table.
demo@PDB1> create table dim1
  2  as
  3  select rownum as dim1_id ,
  4     Initcap( to_char( to_date(level,'j'),'jsp') ) dim1_cod,
  5     rpad('*',800,'*') dim1_text
  6  from dual
  7  connect by level <= 10;
Table created.
demo@PDB1> create table dim2
  2  as
  3  select rownum as dim2_id ,
  4     Initcap( to_char( to_date(level,'j'),'jsp') ) dim2_cod,
  5     rpad('*',800,'*') dim2_text
  6  from dual
  7  connect by level <= 10;
Table created.
demo@PDB1> create table dim3
  2  as
  3  select rownum as dim3_id ,
  4     Initcap( to_char( to_date(level,'j'),'jsp') ) dim3_cod,
  5     rpad('*',800,'*') dim3_text
  6  from dual
  7  connect by level <= 10;
Table created.
Those are our three dimension table each having 10 rows.
demo@PDB1> create table fact as
  2  select rownum as fact_id,
  3     dim1_id, dim2_id, dim3_id, mod(rownum,1000)/10 as fact_measure
  4  from dim1,dim2,dim3,( select level
  5     from dual
  6     connect by level <= 10000 );
Table created.
This is our FACT table and we have 10K row for each combination of dimensions. Therefore, 10M rows in total.
demo@PDB1> alter table dim1 add constraint dim1_pk primary key(dim1_id);
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> alter table dim2 add constraint dim2_pk primary key(dim2_id);
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> alter table dim3 add constraint dim3_pk primary key(dim3_id);
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> alter table fact add constraint fact_fk1 foreign key(dim1_id)
  2  references dim1;
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> alter table fact add constraint fact_fk2 foreign key(dim2_id)
  2  references dim1;
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> alter table fact add constraint fact_fk3 foreign key(dim3_id)
  2  references dim1;
Table altered.
demo@PDB1> create bitmap index fact_dim1 on fact(dim1_id);
Index created.
demo@PDB1> create bitmap index fact_dim2 on fact(dim2_id);
Index created.
demo@PDB1> create bitmap index fact_dim3 on fact(dim3_id);
Index created.
now we have defined the relationship between these tables along with Bitmap indexes on FK columns.
Now it is time to check the execution plan for this SQL
demo@PDB1> $ type script.sql
set termout off
        select *
        from fact
        join dim1 on (fact.dim1_id = dim1.dim1_id )
        join dim2 on (fact.dim2_id = dim2.dim2_id )
        join dim3 on (fact.dim3_id = dim3.dim3_id )
        where dim1.dim1_cod = 'One'
        and dim2.dim2_cod = 'One'
        and dim3.dim3_cod = 'One';
set termout on
select * from table( dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'allstats last +adaptive') );
Here is the execution plan when we leave the parameter “star_transformation_enabled” to its default value.
demo@PDB1> show parameter star_trans
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- --------
star_transformation_enabled          string      FALSE
demo@PDB1> @script.sql
SQL_ID  bwx1y7bh32t8v, child number 0
 select *  from fact  join dim1 on (fact.dim1_id = dim1.dim1_id )  join
dim2 on (fact.dim2_id = dim2.dim2_id )  join dim3 on (fact.dim3_id =
dim3.dim3_id )  where dim1.dim1_cod = 'One'  and dim2.dim2_cod = 'One'
and dim3.dim3_cod = 'One'
Plan hash value: 3368458141
|   Id  | Operation                      | Name      | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |
|     0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |           |      1 |        |  10000 |
|- *  1 |  HASH JOIN                     |           |      1 |  10000 |  10000 |
|     2 |   NESTED LOOPS                 |           |      1 |  10000 |  10000 |
|     3 |    NESTED LOOPS                |           |      1 |  10000 |  10000 |
|-    4 |     STATISTICS COLLECTOR       |           |      1 |        |      1 |
|     5 |      MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN      |           |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|     6 |       MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN     |           |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|  *  7 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL       | DIM1      |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|     8 |        BUFFER SORT             |           |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|  *  9 |         TABLE ACCESS FULL      | DIM2      |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|    10 |       BUFFER SORT              |           |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|  * 11 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL       | DIM3      |      1 |      1 |      1 |
|    12 |     BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS|           |      1 |        |  10000 |
|    13 |      BITMAP AND                |           |      1 |        |      4 |
|  * 14 |       BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE| FACT_DIM1 |      1 |        |     52 |
|  * 15 |       BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE| FACT_DIM2 |      1 |        |    119 |
|  * 16 |       BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE| FACT_DIM3 |      1 |        |    394 |
|    17 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | FACT      |  10000 |  10000 |  10000 |
|-   18 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL            | FACT      |      0 |  10000 |      0 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - access("FACT"."DIM3_ID"="DIM3"."DIM3_ID" AND
          "FACT"."DIM2_ID"="DIM2"."DIM2_ID" AND
   7 - filter("DIM1"."DIM1_COD"='One')
   9 - filter("DIM2"."DIM2_COD"='One')
  11 - filter("DIM3"."DIM3_COD"='One')
  14 - access("FACT"."DIM1_ID"="DIM1"."DIM1_ID")
  15 - access("FACT"."DIM2_ID"="DIM2"."DIM2_ID")
  16 - access("FACT"."DIM3_ID"="DIM3"."DIM3_ID")
   - this is an adaptive plan (rows marked '-' are inactive)
That’s a long plan, but not so complex – Here is what it does.
·         First it reads all the dimensions (DIM1,DIM2,DIM3 – each filtered on its own predicate) and does a Cartesian join to get all the combination that are allowed by our predicates – this resultset has the dimension keys to get to the FACT and also has the additional information we need for the final result.
·         Then the STATISTICS COLLECTOR operation – introduced in 12c as part of Adaptive plans – will decide on which subplans to choose.
·         If the number of combinations is not too large it will do a NESTED LOOP, for each combination, we get to the matching rows from FACT table. This is done through bitmap index: for each dimension key the corresponding bitmap index is accessed (BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE) , giving a bitmap of rows which are merged (BITMAP AND) and converted to ROWID, then with those rowid we access to the FACT table.
·         If the number of combinations is large, then it is better to do a full scan on FACT table and do the join with the dimension combination through a HASH join.
More to come.

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