Saturday, October 24, 2015

ORA-03113 error in Oracle 12c patch.

After upgrading to Oracle 12c ( there was an issue causing a core dump and potential table metadata corruption when you ADD a column to the table with DEFAULT and ENABLE NOVALIDATE, this issue get treated as a bug 20880215 (ORA-7445 [QCSISCOLINFRO()+358] FOR ADD COLUMN WITH DEFAULT AND ENABLE NOVALIDATE)

rajesh@ORA12C> set timing off
rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback off
rajesh@ORA12C> drop table t purge;
rajesh@ORA12C> create table t(x int,y date);
rajesh@ORA12C> insert into t values(1,sysdate);
rajesh@ORA12C> commit;
rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback on
rajesh@ORA12C> select * from t;

         X Y
---------- -----------
         1 20-OCT-2015

1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> alter table t add z varchar2(5) default 'YES' not null enable novalidate;

Table altered.

rajesh@ORA12C> select * from t;
select * from t
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 8940
Session ID: 14 Serial number: 44088

ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE


The client (in my case SQL*Plus) will disconnect with the meaningless ORA-3113, so let’s have a look at the alert.log

Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x4] [PC:0x7FEF69DB405, qcsIsColInFro()+437]
Errors in file D:\APP\VNAMEIT\diag\rdbms\ora12c\ora12c\trace\ora12c_ora_8940.trc  (incident=115395):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [qcsIsColInFro()+437] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR:0x4] [PC:0x7FEF69DB405] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
Incident details in: D:\APP\VNAMEIT\diag\rdbms\ora12c\ora12c\incident\incdir_115395\ora12c_ora_8940_i115395.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
Tue Oct 20 11:58:34 2015
Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20151020115834], requested by (instance=1, osid=8940), summary=[incident=115395].
Tue Oct 20 11:58:50 2015
Sweep [inc][115395]: completed
Sweep [inc2][115395]: completed

Solution will be to apply the fix for the bug 20880215 from Oracle support.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Yet another reason to avoid using analyze command to ‘stats’ gather

An empty index block or those blocks that contain nothing but deleted index entries are placed on the index free list and can potentially be recycled during subsequent index block split operations.
A point that is not well known about such empty index block is how oracle considers them when calculating index related statistics and possible implications this may have on the CBO.
Let’s take an example here.
rajesh@ORA11G> set feedback off
rajesh@ORA11G> drop table t purge;
rajesh@ORA11G> create table t
  2  as
  3  select rownum as id, rpad('*',10,'*') x
  4  from all_objects a
  5  where rownum <=10000;
rajesh@ORA11G> create index t_idx on t(id);
rajesh@ORA11G> set feedback on
OK, now we have an index with 10000 entries, let’s just check to see how many leaf blocks we currently have,
rajesh@ORA11G> analyze index t_idx validate structure;
Index analyzed.
rajesh@ORA11G> select lf_rows,lf_blks,del_lf_rows from index_stats;
---------- ---------- -----------
     10000         21           0
1 row selected.
So we have 10000 entries and 21 leaf blocks, with no deleted index entries at this stage.
Let’s delete the vast majority of rows from the Table.
rajesh@ORA11G> delete from t where id <=9990;
9990 rows deleted.
rajesh@ORA11G> commit;
Commit complete.
Let’s start by looking at how ANALYZE INDEX.....VALIDATE STRUCTURE deals with empty leaf blocks and index entries.
rajesh@ORA11G> analyze index t_idx validate structure;
Index analyzed.
rajesh@ORA11G> select lf_rows,lf_blks,del_lf_rows from index_stats;
---------- ---------- -----------
     10000         21        9990
1 row selected.
The first thing to note is LF_ROWS statistics still has a value of 10000, it still counts the index entries even if they were deleted. We also notice that LF_BLKS value is 21 so those leaf blocks are effectively empty and are still counted.
Let’s see how oracle collect stats using dbms_stats API.
rajesh@ORA11G> begin
  2     dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'T',
  3     cascade=>true,
  4     no_invalidate=>false,
  5     method_opt=>'for all columns size 1');
  6  end;
  7  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
rajesh@ORA11G> column index_name format a10
rajesh@ORA11G> select index_name,num_rows,leaf_blocks
  2  from user_indexes
  3  where table_name ='T';
---------- ---------- -----------
T_IDX              10           1
1 row selected.
We notice a couple of difference here, the NUM_ROWS value is 10 and LEAF_BLOCKS is 1, highlighting non deleted entries and only those index leaf blocks containing non-deleted entries. Although there are 20 other leaf blocks in the structure, they are not considered and counted when statistics are collected using dbms_stats API.
If we run the following simple query that effectively selects the remaining rows from the table. We notice the following in plan.
rajesh@ORA11G> set serveroutput off
rajesh@ORA11G> alter session set statistics_level=all;
Session altered.
rajesh@ORA11G> select * from t where id between 1 and 10000;
        ID X
---------- ----------
      9991 **********
      9992 **********
      9993 **********
      9994 **********
      9995 **********
      9996 **********
      9997 **********
      9998 **********
      9999 **********
     10000 **********
10 rows selected.
rajesh@ORA11G> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'allstats last'));
SQL_ID  1y7878qmn0nvt, child number 0
select * from t where id between 1 and 10000
Plan hash value: 470836197
| Id  | Operation                   | Name  | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |       |      1 |        |     10 |     25 |
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T     |      1 |     10 |     10 |     25 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | T_IDX |      1 |     10 |     10 |     23 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("ID">=1 AND "ID"<=10000)
19 rows selected.
Now, let us see what happens if we use the old Analyze command to calculate statistics.
rajesh@ORA11G> analyze index t_idx compute statistics;
Index analyzed.
rajesh@ORA11G> select index_name,num_rows,leaf_blocks
  2  from user_indexes
  3  where table_name ='T';
---------- ---------- -----------
T_IDX              10          21
1 row selected.
A big difference, we notice that previously DBMS_STATS don’t include empty leaf blocks in statistics, we now notice that when using ANALYZE command does include such empty leaf blocks, the LEAF_BLOCK is now 21 and not 1 as it was previously.
But that leaf block is one of the key statistics used by the CBO when calculating the cost of the index related access paths, could this still make a difference in the execution of this query?  Yes it is.
rajesh@ORA11G> select * from t t1 where id between 1 and 10000;
        ID X
---------- ----------
      9991 **********
      9992 **********
      9993 **********
      9994 **********
      9995 **********
      9996 **********
      9997 **********
      9998 **********
      9999 **********
     10000 **********
10 rows selected.
rajesh@ORA11G> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'allstats last'));
SQL_ID  cq62wu7jvjj6g, child number 0
select * from t t1 where id between 1 and 10000
Plan hash value: 1601196873
| Id  | Operation         | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |Buffers |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |      1 |        |     10 |     31 |
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| T    |      1 |     10 |     10 |     31 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter(("ID">=1 AND "ID"<=10000))
18 rows selected.
So empty leaf blocks can still have a large impact on not only how a query may perform but indeed on how the CBO calculates the associated costs, depending on how the statistics are generated