Thursday, March 10, 2016

Automatic Big Table Caching (ABTC)

ABTC introduced with Oracle12c ( specifically for the parallel or serial scanning segments in main memory. The idea is simple: certain dedicated part of buffer cache is reserved for storing large objects or parts of it (like partitions / sub-partitions), so that certain queries can benefit from the storage in the cache, which otherwise would not be in the buffer cache.

In order to decide which objects are stored in big table cache, ABTC uses multiple criteria, not only the size of the object and size of the cache. Unlike the standard buffer cache behavior based on the block orientation level LRU algorithm, big table caches make use of the “temperature” of the objects – not just blocks.

It is important to note the ABTC in RAC environment is supported only for the parallel queries, but in single instance database it is supported for serial queries too. The parameter that supports ABTC is  “db_big_table_cache_percent_target” which is initialized to the value of zero by default.

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(*) from sales;


1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(*) from customers;


1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(*) from big_table;


1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> conn rajesh/oracle@ora12c
rajesh@ORA12C> show parameter db_big_table_cache

NAME                                          TYPE        VALUE
--------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
db_big_table_cache_percent_target             string      0
rajesh@ORA12C> show parameter parallel_degree_policy

NAME                                          TYPE        VALUE
--------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
parallel_degree_policy                        string      MANUAL
rajesh@ORA12C> show parameter memory_max_target

NAME                                          TYPE        VALUE
--------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
memory_max_target                             big integer 612M
rajesh@ORA12C> show parameter memory_target

NAME                                          TYPE        VALUE
--------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
memory_target                                 big integer 612M
rajesh@ORA12C> set timing off
rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback off
rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;

rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback on

Initially this feature is not enabled, we now use a simple query against SALES table that is not stored in buffer cache. It will be full table scan followed by some amount of physical reads.

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;

1 row selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 4254621453

| Id  | Operation            | Name     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |          |     1 |    13 |   682   (3)|
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE      |          |     1 |    13 |            |
|   2 |   VIEW               | VW_DAG_0 |  6811 | 88543 |   682   (3)|
|   3 |    HASH GROUP BY     |          |  6811 | 34055 |   682   (3)|
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| SALES    |   500K|  2441K|   670   (1)|

          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
       2412  consistent gets
       2409  physical reads
          0  redo size
        557  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        551  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          1  rows processed


For safety, we check the behavior of V$BH (v$bh in this case list those blocks that are present in the buffer cache)

rajesh@ORA12C> select table_name,blocks
  2  from user_tables
  3  where table_name='SALES';

---------- ----------
SALES            2457

1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select t1.object_name,count(*)
  2  from user_objects t1,
  3    v$bh t2
  4  where object_name ='SALES'
  5  and t1.data_object_id = t2.objd
  6  group by t1.object_name ;

OBJECT_NAME                      COUNT(*)
------------------------------ ----------
SALES                                   1

1 row selected.


The table has close to 2457 block’s allocated by just one block is present in the buffer cache. Another way of monitoring the info would be via session statistics.

rajesh@ORA12C> select,s2.value
  2  from v$statname s1,
  3    v$mystat s2
  4  where s1.statistic# = s2.statistic#
  5  and s2.sid = userenv('sid')
  6  and ( like '%warehousing%' or
  7 like '%table%' )
  8  and s2.value <> 0
  9  order by 2 desc ;

NAME                                                    VALUE
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
table scan rows gotten                                1709539
table scan disk non-IMC rows gotten                   1548488
table scan blocks gotten                                11497
table fetch by rowid                                     3227
table scans (short tables)                                148
table fetch continued row                                  38
table scans (long tables)                                   3
table scans (direct read)                                   3

8 rows selected.

As we can see , the statistics “table scan(direct read)” and “table scan(long tables)” the value 3 , so there are three table scans on “long table” via “direct path reads” since this session is established ( we full scanned the SALES table thrice  so far in this session)

To monitor the new big table caching, two more v$ views are available.

V$BT_SCAN_CACHE – display the status of different areas of big table caches.
V$BT_SCAN_OBJ_TEMPS – lists the active objects in big table caches.

rajesh@ORA12C> select bt_cache_alloc,bt_cache_target,object_count,
  2        memory_buf_alloc,min_cached_temp
  3  from v$bt_scan_cache ;

-------------- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------
             0               0            0                0            1000

1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select t2.object_name,t1.cached_in_mem,
  2    t1.size_in_blks,t1.policy,t1.temperature
  3  from v$bt_scan_obj_temps t1,
  4    user_objects t2
  5  where t1.dataobj# = t2.data_object_id ;

no rows selected


The results of both the queries shows that no big table caching is used at this moment. The column MIN_CACHED_TEMP indicate that an internal heap is used to decide on the objects in the big table cache. The value of 1000 indicates that the minimum temperature that an object must have in-order to be stored in Big Table cache.

Next we will set this parameter “db_big_table_cache_percent_target” to 20, that means 20% of buffer cache is used for Big Table cache, the remaining 80% is available for other workloads in the database.

rajesh@ORA12C> alter system set db_big_table_cache_percent_target=20;

System altered.

rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;


1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> /* continue below sql-workloads from different session
rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback off
rajesh@ORA12C> select sum(object_id) from customers;
rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;
rajesh@ORA12C> select sum(object_id) from customers;
rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;
rajesh@ORA12C> select avg(object_id) from big_table;
rajesh@ORA12C> select avg(object_id) from big_table;
rajesh@ORA12C> set feedback on
rajesh@ORA12C> */
rajesh@ORA12C> select bt_cache_alloc,bt_cache_target,object_count,
  2        memory_buf_alloc,min_cached_temp
  3  from v$bt_scan_cache;

-------------- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------
    .199913157              20            3             4604            1000

1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select t2.object_name,t1.cached_in_mem,
  2    t1.size_in_blks,t1.policy,t1.temperature
  3  from v$bt_scan_obj_temps t1,
  4    user_objects t2
  5  where t1.dataobj# = t2.data_object_id ;

------------------------------ ------------- ------------ ---------- -----------
SALES                                   2457         2457 MEM_ONLY          3000
CUSTOMERS                               2147        12360 MEM_PART          2000
BIG_TABLE                                  0        16016 DISK              2000

3 rows selected.

The table SALES is almost entirely in-memory (see policy = MEM_ONLY) and the part of the table CUSTOMERS is available in memory and rest of it at disk (since we don’t have enough room to cache the entire object to memory) and the BIG_TABLE is completely available at desk.

The decision on caching of table is controlled by the column value TEMPRATURE. The minimum temperature required is 1000 as we saw in the beginning. Every visit to an object, the database increases the temperature of the corresponding object, so that only “hot” objects remain in the cache.

In the next step we increase the Big Table cache using the below statement and look at its altered results.

rajesh@ORA12C> alter system set db_big_table_cache_percent_target=75;

System altered.

rajesh@ORA12C> select bt_cache_alloc,bt_cache_target,object_count,
  2        memory_buf_alloc,min_cached_temp
  3  from v$bt_scan_cache;

-------------- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------
    .579331307              75            3             4604            1000

1 row selected.

rajesh@ORA12C> select t2.object_name,t1.cached_in_mem,
  2    t1.size_in_blks,t1.policy,t1.temperature
  3  from v$bt_scan_obj_temps t1,
  4    user_objects t2
  5  where t1.dataobj# = t2.data_object_id ;

------------------------------ ------------- ------------ ---------- -----------
SALES                                   2457         2457 MEM_ONLY          3000
CUSTOMERS                              12360        12360 MEM_ONLY          2000
BIG_TABLE                               2455        16016 MEM_PART          2000

3 rows selected.

This time we had enough room to hold the entire CUSTOMERS table in cache in addition to the SALES table.

Now running the similar query will produce this statistics.

rajesh@ORA12C> set autotrace traceonly explain statistics
rajesh@ORA12C> select count(distinct cust_id) from sales;

1 row selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 4254621453

| Id  | Operation            | Name     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |          |     1 |    13 |   682   (3)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE      |          |     1 |    13 |            |          |
|   2 |   VIEW               | VW_DAG_0 |  6811 | 88543 |   682   (3)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    HASH GROUP BY     |          |  6811 | 34055 |   682   (3)| 00:00:01 |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| SALES    |   500K|  2441K|   670   (1)| 00:00:01 |

          0  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
       2415  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        557  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        551  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          1  rows processed

rajesh@ORA12C> set autotrace off

The absence of physical reads indicate that this segments got scanned through Big Table caching rather than “direct path reads” from disk into PGA.

But taking a look at the session statistics, table scans (long tables) and (direct read) resulted in no changes – that confirms no physical IO took place as part of this query execution. (the segment got scanned through Big table cache)

rajesh@ORA12C> select,s2.value
  2  from v$statname s1,
  3    v$mystat s2
  4  where s1.statistic# = s2.statistic#
  5  and s2.sid = userenv('sid')
  6  and ( like '%warehousing%' or
  7 like '%table%' )
  8  and s2.value <> 0
  9  order by 2 desc ;

NAME                                                    VALUE
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
table scan rows gotten                                3077776
table scan disk non-IMC rows gotten                   2756901
table scan blocks gotten                                21975
table fetch by rowid                                     5267
data warehousing scanned blocks                          4818
data warehousing scanned blocks - memory                 4818
table scans (short tables)                                206
table fetch continued row                                  44
table scans (long tables)                                   3
table scans (direct read)                                   3
data warehousing scanned objects                            2

11 rows selected.

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