Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Data share - Part V

In this blogpost we will see about how to consume the data in the available data share as recipient
On the target database (in this blogpost, It will be Autonomous datawarehouse(ADW) instance) create a database user (called SHARE_CONSUMER) that will be used to consume the data share that the SHARE_PROVIDER schema user created and shared with TRAINING_USER recipient, we chose to separate the  SHARE_PROVIDER schema from the SHARE_CONSUMER schema to simulate the real use-case of data sharing between provider and consumer.
In the target database, create the user account and grant required privileges.
admin@ADW19C> select banner_full from v$version;
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
admin@ADW19C> select json_value( cloud_identity, '$.SERVICE' returning varchar2(10) ) services from v$pdbs;
admin@ADW19C> create user share_consumer identified by "Good2go1234!";
User created.
admin@ADW19C> grant connect,resource,dwrole,unlimited tablespace to share_consumer;
Grant succeeded.
And REST enable the schema along with privileges for data sharing.
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> --- Enable REST endpoints
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> begin
  2     ords_admin.enable_schema(
  3             p_schema =>'SHARE_CONSUMER',
  4             p_enabled => true,
  5             p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH',
  6             p_url_mapping_pattern => 'share_consumer',
  7             p_auto_rest_auth => true);
  8  end;
  9  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> --- Enable DATA sharing
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.enable_schema(
  3             schema_name =>'SHARE_CONSUMER',
  4             enabled=>true );
  5  end;
  6  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
To consume a data share, a recipient user must have the required network connection to access the SHARE_PROVIDER user host machine that contains the data share using Port 443. This is a virtual port used for secure internet network traffic and connection purposes using the HTTPS secure protocol. In order to set the ACL on the host machine for the recipient, you as the admin user (or some other privileged user) will need the host machine endpoint value which you can find in the downloaded JSON profile file from the previous blogpost, listed below.
  "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
  "endpoint": "",
  "tokenEndpoint": "",
  "bearerToken": "VfvFNjOWkt19MN4xfRgLMw",
  "expirationTime": "2024-04-10T05:54:00.102Z",
  "clientID": "Dbpdim8hNYgzYUKbxceUpw..",
  "clientSecret": "PUiThll6LC5vkuLbKmDhew.."
The ENDPOINT value where the data share is located is as follows.
from the above ENDPOINT value, copy the endpoint URL upto only the and remove anything after that. So in our demo we will use this as host value to setup ACL entries.
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> --- granting the access privileges to the share providers host
admin@ADW19C> ---
admin@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_network_acl_admin.append_host_ace(
  3             host => '',
  4             lower_port => 443 ,
  5             upper_port => 443 ,
  6             ace => xs$ace_type(
  7                     privilege_list => xs$name_list('http', 'http_proxy'),
  8                     principal_name => upper('DWROLE'),
  9                     principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)
 10                     ) ;
 11  end;
 12  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Next to create access credential for data share, we need to login as SHARE_CONSUMER user and use the profile downloaded from the previous blogpost will be used here.
share-consumer@ADW19C> declare
  2     l_clob clob;
  3     l_delta_profile clob;
  4     l_credential_base_name varchar2(80) := 'DEMO_PROVIDER2';
  5  begin
  6     l_delta_profile := q'# {
  7    "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
  8    "endpoint": "",
  9    "tokenEndpoint": "",
 10    "bearerToken": "VfvFNjOWkt19MN4xfRgLMw",
 11    "expirationTime": "2024-04-10T05:54:00.102Z",
 12    "clientID": "Dbpdim8hNYgzYUKbxceUpw..",
 13    "clientSecret": "PUiThll6LC5vkuLbKmDhew.."
 14  } #' ;
 16     l_clob := dbms_share.create_credentials(
 17             credential_base_name => l_credential_base_name,
 18             delta_profile => l_delta_profile );
 20  end;
 21  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
share-consumer@ADW19C> select credential_name
  2  from user_credentials
  3  where credential_name like 'DEMO_PROVIDER2%';
To create a table on top of the data share object, the recipient needs to get the list of the schemas and tables being shared. we can use the DISCOVER_AVAILABLE_TABLES table function to get this list.
share-consumer@ADW19C> select share_name, schema_name,table_name
  2  from dbms_share.discover_available_tables(
  3     endpoint => '',
  4     credential_name => 'DEMO_PROVIDER2$SHARE_CRED' );
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
For the repeated access to the available data share and tables in the share, subscribe to the data share provider by creating new share provider name.
share-consumer@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.create_share_provider(
  3             provider_name => 'MY_DEMO_PROVIDER',
  4             endpoint => '' );
  5  end;
  6  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Specify the credentials needed to access the data share endpoint.
share-consumer@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.set_share_provider_credential(
  3             provider_name => 'MY_DEMO_PROVIDER',
  4             share_credential => 'DEMO_PROVIDER2$SHARE_CRED' );
  5  end;
  6  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Query the available shares for this provider
share-consumer@ADW19C> select * from dbms_share.discover_available_shares(share_provider=> 'MY_DEMO_PROVIDER');
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
Query the available tables in the data share
share-consumer@ADW19C> select schema_name , table_name
  2  from dbms_share.discover_available_tables(
  3     share_provider=> 'MY_DEMO_PROVIDER',
  4     share_name => 'DEMO_SHARE');
-------------------- --------------------
Creating a new share link and view using the data share table.
share-consumer@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.create_or_replace_share_link(
  3             share_link_name =>'MY_SALES_DATA',
  4             share_provider => 'MY_DEMO_PROVIDER',
  5             share_name => 'DEMO_SHARE' );
  6  end;
  7  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Use the new share link to create a view over the shared table.
share-consumer@ADW19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.create_share_link_view(
  3             view_name       => 'CUST_SALES_VW',
  4             share_link_name  => 'MY_SALES_DATA',
  5             share_schema_name  => 'SHARE_PROVIDER',
  6             share_table_name => 'BIG_TABLE' );
  7  end;
  8  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
share-consumer@ADW19C> desc CUST_SALES_VW
 Name                                Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------- -------- -------------------------
 OWNER                                        VARCHAR2(128)
 OBJECT_NAME                                  VARCHAR2(128)
 SUBOBJECT_NAME                               VARCHAR2(128)
 OBJECT_ID                                    NUMBER
 DATA_OBJECT_ID                               NUMBER
 OBJECT_TYPE                                  VARCHAR2(23)
 CREATED                                      DATE
 LAST_DDL_TIME                                DATE
 TIMESTAMP                                    VARCHAR2(19)
 STATUS                                       VARCHAR2(7)
 TEMPORARY                                    VARCHAR2(1)
 GENERATED                                    VARCHAR2(1)
 SECONDARY                                    VARCHAR2(1)
 NAMESPACE                                    NUMBER
 EDITION_NAME                                 VARCHAR2(128)
 SHARING                                      VARCHAR2(18)
 EDITIONABLE                                  VARCHAR2(1)
 ORACLE_MAINTAINED                            VARCHAR2(1)
 APPLICATION                                  VARCHAR2(1)
 DEFAULT_COLLATION                            VARCHAR2(100)
 DUPLICATED                                   VARCHAR2(1)
 SHARDED                                      VARCHAR2(1)
 CREATED_APPID                                NUMBER
 CREATED_VSNID                                NUMBER
 MODIFIED_APPID                               NUMBER
 MODIFIED_VSNID                               NUMBER
 ID                                           NUMBER
share-consumer@ADW19C> select count(*) from CUST_SALES_VW;

Friday, September 6, 2024

Data share - Part IV

In this blogpost we will see about how to create and Authorize data share recipient. A recipient can access the data in the share and can have access to multiple shares. If you remove a recipient, that recipient loses access to all shares it could previously access. The data share provider will create and authorize a new recipient that will access data share and the TABLE / Data source in the share. Then we will provide a new recipient with activation link or the JSON config that is needed to create credential to access the data share.
as a SHARE_PROVIDER user, we need to create a new data share recipient named "Training_user"
share-provider@ATP19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.create_share_recipient(
  3             recipient_name => 'training_user',
  4             email => '*************' );
  5  end;
  6  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
share-provider@ATP19C> select recipient_name,updated
  2  from user_share_recipients;
-------------------- -------------------------------------
TRAINING_USER        08-APR-24 AM +05:30
as a SHARE_PROVIDER user, grant the recipient access privilege to data share.
share-provider@ATP19C> begin
  2     dbms_share.grant_to_recipient(
  3             share_name => 'DEMO_SHARE',
  4             recipient_name => 'training_user',
  5             auto_commit => true );
  6  end;
  7  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
share-provider@ATP19C> select recipient_name, updated
  2  from user_share_recipient_grants
  3  where share_name ='DEMO_SHARE';
-------------------- -------------------------------------
TRAINING_USER        08-APR-24 AM +05:30
So the training_user recipient has the access privilege to only one data share.
as a SHARE_PROVIDER user, generate the activation link and enable the Authorized recipient to download the delta sharing profile json configuration file
share-provider@ATP19C> exec dbms_output.put_line( dbms_share.get_activation_link('training_user') );
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Copy the activation link URL (highlighted above) that was provided to you by your share provider and paste it in your web browser's address bar, and then press [Enter]. The Autonomous Database Data Sharing page is displayed. To download the config file, click Get Profile Information.

Once if you click GET PROFILE INFORMATION, the output of the script is downloaded as text file, the sample content of text file for the profile information will be like this.
  "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
  "endpoint": "",
  "tokenEndpoint": "",
  "bearerToken": "VfvFNjOWkt19MN4xfRgLMw",
  "expirationTime": "2024-04-10T05:54:00.102Z",
  "clientID": "Dbpdim8hNYgzYUKbxceUpw..",
  "clientSecret": "PUiThll6LC5vkuLbKmDhew.."
we need this profile information to consume the data share, which we will see in the next blogpost.